‘Online Process Management System for Solar Power Projects’ is designed for tracking demand of rooftop solar power plants throughout the State as well as administration of thorough communication between Government Renewable Energy Department and Solar Power Plant set up vending companies.
How does it work?
Any resident can apply for Rooftop Solar Power Plant set up to the Web-based Portal to check eligibility. Accordingly, the Renewable Energy Department of the State can forward applications to different vendors by nominating as per area, demand, and availability of service provisions. The nominated vendor can collect applications online and go for a survey. All survey reports are to be uploaded online towards the Department. Department has provided to issue clearance certificate online to the vendor for starting work for that applicant. As an addition, this Process Management Software lets to chat between State Renewable Energy Department and Vendors to work as Help Desk.

Key features
- Online Application
- Vendor Allocation
- Data report generation
- File uploading and downloading
- Continuous Chat System
- Online Work Order issuance
- Online process status tracking
- Works 24 x 7
- Re-sellable product
- Less paperwork
- No queue for approval
- Multi-PDA accessible
- Reliable and compact
- Transparent and Time-saving