Computer Education has now become the backbone of the modern generation. In this Zen X we have come up with various training programme to make the upcoming generation keep up their pace with technology. The essentiality of diploma certificates in the computer has become a prerequisite to apply for any kind of job.
Computer Literacy Course is one of the training that enhances skills and enables us to become computer literate. This is NSQF level 3 course customized, developed, and approved by NSDC to fulfill the requirement of basic computer uses that can be aligned to different job roles in IT sector, providing them with National level certification through NSDC.
The Computer Literacy Course is being initiated to college students under VE-Higher Education in coordination with HRDD RUSA and CRTI, IT department, Government of Sikkim.

- Enhances skills and enables to become computer literate
- National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) Level 3 course customized, developed, and approved by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).
- Providing different job roles in IT sector with National Level certification through NSDC.
Course Details
- This is an 80 hours (55 hours – Practical & 25 hours – Theory) training course designed to empower students with hands-on skill training on computer knowledge.
- The course is being initiated to college students of Sikkim under Vocationalisation of Higher Education in coordination with HRDD RUSA and CRTI, IT department, Government of Sikkim.
- Online Assessment for students to get their skills certified.